At Night
I don't think I am going to tell you what you are looking at.
The what was there, but the how, not that simple.
There was not much light, and I needed some depth of field to make both foreground and background recognisable, meaning a relative long exposure, even at ISO 400. Not sure what the actual combination was, I think f8 at 1/2 second or something like that.
I used my monopod to handle the long exposure, giving me enough support to prevent the camera from shaking. A real life-saver sometimes, a nice lightweight although unstable platform. Unstable as in riding a motorcycle, part of the experience, just something to get used to.
Obviously the image at the bottom, the crossing and the light on top had to be in the picture, but should not be blocked by the window, and with a Leica, that's not so easily achieved because of the so called lens parallax, in short the fact that you are not looking through the lens that will make the picture. In this case the lens was a little to the right and above my viewfinder, so I had to guesstimate if the window would block any elements.
Developed in Spur HPX, a fine-grain developer that I usually reserve for lower speed film, but I wanted to see how it would work-out for HP5.
It looks ok to me , but I prefer Tmax 400 and T-MAX developer for this kind of sensitivity.
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